"Bup-Bup-Bup...!" The wheels battered down the stairway, jerking all along the path.
"Ohz oooooohz! diz iz hurrible. Only a market truck haz everybody rockinz anz dashinz anz bouncinz on each odaz like diz. It hurrible inz zere! But watz a mezz on meez thiz dayz witz Milo suddenly burzt a ... umz! burzt a cryinz all over meez. When meez getz out witz diz Milo dye all over meez, I haz to go live in bleach anz water fo dayz."
Looking at Bolero with a sudden burst of anger, Milo shouted, "Uz dunz zur my wratz, auzz diz iz wherez I rides any time zem cumz for meez! Furz I ever zeez a Boleroz, a Wranglerz anz a Nikez inz here!" Spitefully, rolling all over Bolero, Milo asked, "Zo, iz wherez uz goinz? I zink iz mizz uz mizz uz wayz thiz dayz."
"I cudz really mizz ma wayz alritz, for iz the furz time meez riding witz CornedBeef anz Rice anz ButterBeanz anz Cabbage anz Bananaz anz all a zem hazzarz zeerz; except, Wranglerz anz Nikez anz JCrewz anz all a zem softaz zeerz."
"Zen, Boleroz, iz whaz happenz to dayz? Iz luze uze luze ur wayz? Or, iz strayz ur strayingz awayz?"
"Milo, me luvz, I wudz likes to knowz thiz boss intenzionz! whyz all a wiiz endz up in thiz kilapizated Bupz-Bupz plaze!"
"Looks likes uz duntz realize zat ze boss iz weeks zenzing witz an all zincluzive grozzery cartz!"
Bup-Bup...!" (version 2)
"Bup-Bup-Bup...!" The wheels battered down the stairway, jerking all along the path.
"Oh ooooooh! This is horrible. Only a market truck have everybody rocking an dashing an bouncing on each other like this. It horrible in here! But what a mess on me this day with Milo suddenly burst a ... um! burst a crying all over me. When me get out with this Milo dye all over me, I has to go live in bleach an water fo days."
Looking at Bolero with a sudden burst of anger, Milo shouted, "U don't stir my wrath, cause this is where I rides any time them come for me! Furst I ever sees a Boleros, a Wranglers an a Nikes in here!" Spitefully, rolling all over Bolero, Milo asked, "So, Bo-lay-rows! Is where yo going? I think is miss yo miss yo ways this days."
"I could really miss ma ways alright, for is the furst time me riding with CornedBeefs an Rice an ButterBeans an Cabbage an Bananas an all a them hazzards there; except, Wranglers an Nikes an JCrews an all a them softas there."
"Then, Bo-lay-rows, is what happens to day? Is loose you loose your ways? Or, is strays yo strayings aways?"
"Milo, me luv, I would likes to knows this boss intenshions ys all a wiis ends up in this kilapidated Bups-Bups Crazie place!"
"Looks likes u don't realise that the boss is weeks ending with this all inclusive grocery cart!"
Paris Bound
"Fast fast after work, am catching the next flight out and away to Paris on the 11:30 tick," she expressed with an impressive body gesture.
"Sounds interesting, Naomi. You must be excited like fiddle on the blues," she grinned wildly.
"You have it right, Emily! I look forward to this all the time with the chance to explore the Eiffel Tower in there."
"The what Naomi? Do you mean the Stifling Power!"
"Sound like you suffering from jet lag!"
"But what are all these? Stifling Power! now jet lag! Tell me little more, Naomi, these really seem exciting!"
"Alright Emily, as soon as I get back ....!"
"But Naomi, yo not looking forward again; yo looking backward now."
"It's only ma head that moves - not ma thoughts."
Flight # AF3666DL0002
"I think its Ruth," replied Merril.
"Come Ruth, let's gooooooh!" she shouted again.
"I'll be right there!"
Five minutes clicked off and Ruth had not arrived. Growing eager and anxious; and burning with fear of missing her 11:30 flight, Naomi gave Ruth the goodbye call. Not wanting to get locked in the building, Ruth quickly grabbed the cart she was working with and raced to the front of the store. "Oh Ruth, be quick, if I delay one more minute I may miss my flight tonight"
"Oh ... am sorry Naomi, but I'll ensure you won't miss it."
"Oh stop talking Ruth, come am going to miss my flight!"
"No you can't miss it I'll hold the plane for you!"
"She must have ring them up already to tell them Naomi Graitlaita is on her way," remarked Emily.
"Silly day!"
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Paris Bound/Flight # 0346J27Ichange log
I wonder what kind of Organic search Results this Article will produce.Very funny.
ReplyDeleteThere have to be a first and the first is you. Thank you busstoped for gracing my page.
ReplyDeleteIf organic is natural with high standard and good quality, then organic can be costly; so the results here can cut a very lucrative deal. Blessed.