Tuesday, June 30, 2009


It can be fun and enjoyment to do some promotional articles on common consumer items we use every day. As we use them, we can write about them, and so in a fun way, I am urged to write about a select few through a commercial perspective. Anyone can unfold the pages of my stories through this public invitation and enjoy the read.
Footwear Unlimited

Cushion up yo head; cushion up yo back; cushion up yo bottom; cushion on your feet is sometimes rubber bottom. Prancing over hills; lugging through the mire; rough path smooth path, tracking through the valley; through prickles through thorns; rocky terrains and splashing through the rain; with cushion on your feet go anywhere without pain; walking like a bear in unlimited footwear. When you want a pair just scout out the lairs: Footlocker www.footlocker.com, Payless www.payless.com, Bare Feet www.barefeetshoes.com, Skechers www.skechers.com, DSW www.dsw.com, Famous Footwear www.famousfootwear.com ....! Whoi! Them stock up to the rear! Get a comfortable pair! Yeeeaaahhh!!! Unlimited Footwear! Choooiii!!!

When the talk is about air it's difficult to compare with any of these lovely pairs. While moving on your way. the comfort your soles wear extinguishes foot fears; and you feel how much we care. You understand no wear and tear while your feet are wearing air; cannot ever think of another pair, UNLIMITED puts them in the rear. We put you moving like the air; just choose your size with care; your feet are in their space for years with unlimited comfort from these gears.

Skip across the ocean; skip across the sea; come back to land, the cushion on yo feet! Places unlimited; movements unlimited, I love the cushion on my feet. Places they'll take you unlimited always. Jump up on the mountains; slap it through the snow; launch out in space and fly beyond the moon; come back to earth with cushion on your feet! Swim across the Ganges; travel round the globe; come back to home with cushion on yo feet! Dry weather, wet weather, winter or summer; autumn or spring; any kind of weather, Unlimited has a cushion, compatible with your feet! Big one, little one, medium, any size, your feet are all covered even on the ice. Flip flop, golash; pagalosh, clogalosh, we have them all for you. Up hill, down hill; through valleys plains and shores; movements unlimited in any pair you choose.

The terrain may be rocky; the weather may be stormy; Footwear Unlimited gets your feet happy with prices in great deals. Runners, skaters; walkers, crawlers; standers, sleepers, come pick up your trackers. Fast move, slow move, no move; on track, off track; wet track, dry track, we put you moving better than racehawse! Short track, long track; longer track, longest track, all under Unlimited, you know how to move better than racehawse!

You run, you walk, hop, skip or jump, just come right in and own a pair to put you on the tracks for years. For some - no squeaking, crying, no squealing; you prowl around silent as air and give your feet a great footwear. The choices here are great all year; unlimited stock, your size is here, come right in and pick up your pair. Footwear Unlimited all through the year. A new inventory stock in year by year. Come get a color flowing with your hair.

I am a fast runner, you are my winner. The marathon track, on there we rock! The sprinters' track, no looking back! Your feet are prompted, the speed is high, you're moving faster than traffic gears. You are a winner! I am a fast runner.

Move up unlimited; move out unlimited! Move in unlimited; move down unlimited! Fly around unlimited; sail around unlimited! Bike around unlimited; drive around unlimited! Walk in unlimited; run in unlimited! Hop in unlimited; leap in unlimited! skip in unlimited; jump in unlimited! Anyhow, anywhere you going, got to mask up in unlimited.  Move in with Fabco Shoes at www.fabcoshoes.com; Easy Spirit Shoes at www.easyspiritshoes.com; Aerosoles Unlimited cover yo toes.  Durable is unlimited!

Pepsi Online Promo Cruise

Pepsi Online Promo is presented to you by WordBluesUnlimited via UnlimitedOnlineTunnel. Everyone is invited to join in the initiation of this Promotional journey by singing the first promo jingle.

All together, Jump - shout - laugh - sing!

Round the world PepsiCola Round the world PepsiCola Round the world PepsiCola Consumers drink!
Bottle to bottle without a stop Bottle to bottle without a stop Bottle to bottle without a stop Are drinking great!
Round the world PepsiCola Round the world PepsiCola Round the world PepsiCola Consumers drink!

Great - great! we did great! All Pepsi mates, read on and enjoy the rest of the CRUISE

One-Pop, A Big-Pop

Turning through the customary course of day, my endearing companion is always available to sit in my hands and lift me through the vagaries of the weather, with the #1 satisfying, thrilling flavor. An irresistible taste, the Big-Pop quenching thirst naturally, with care incomparable. So, find me in cold winter days reaching for the craze. Caffeine Free, a hot Pepsi interacts and take the shiver out ma days. I don't have to back off the clothes when I can reach out for the "breeze" with cold Pepsi Summer Thrill and Pepsi Summer Mix, penetrating the fatiguing heat; cooling me down faster than any cooling device.

Starting up a vibrant new day, interacting wih Pepsi A M, while bouncing Pepsi One rolls me through the pace at noon. Through the tedious tour, the invigorating pop just keeps me laughing more; while washing the stress away as Pepsi Boom goes charging across Germany, Italy and Spain faster than High Speed Internet Fios. Pepsi A-ha greets me happily in India; while in Canada, I launch out with Pepsi Vanilla and Pepsi Holiday Spice to keep me within bounds.

Cranking along through the U.S.A., Pepsi Kona soothing me on the way until, I encountered Pepsi Twist rocking me further away and keep me rolling round the shores of Italy. Sipping the Green in Thailand, I commune with Pepsi Samba in Australia, Pepsi Shiso in Japan, and Pepsi Clear in Mexico.

Round the globe when I map it out, Pepsi dominates the Cola Campaign. The market is large the flavors are great - Pepsi Max - Pepsi Fresh! Pepsi Red, White and Blue! Ready to sip from my igloo! Smooth, refreshing anytime of day, Pepsi on the track putting me on top. In and out of range, Pepsi stock up by the case! Too affordable to miss at any rate!

From the revolution of the cola campaign, I gather, Pepsi available in six pack, twelve pack, 8 oz, 12 oz, 16 oz, 20 oz, 24 oz, 1 liter, 2 liter 3 liter and thirty-six pack container sizes. Get them all for small prices - Pepsi Raw, Pepsi Lime, Pepsi Fire - Big Pop on the wire! Pepsi Retro, Pepsi Si! Pepsi Ice, Pepsi Throwback! Any flavor the pocket can reach that! Pepsi Natural and all the flavors drink affordable in ode to you! The '09 jingle becomes singable: "Pepsi is the chat! The Tropical, the Lime, the 100 and the lot! Sip it by the 0z, can't resist that! Stay on top with the Big-Pop!"

A small price puts Pepsi extremely reachable. Consuming is not a crave, but the enticement of the exclusive flavor. A day without a bottle is like a lost battle. Its not an addiction, but the addition of an invigorating product lined with assorted flavors. A bottle in the hand is a good company. In the outlets, a high ranking popularity flowing from the fountains like a cascading waterfall from the cataract's head. It's not Bee honey, but it"s one honey not claiming much money. Frequent refilling is necessary to keep the fountains flowing. Satisfaction factions comes again and again, the thirst gets a remedy. Am keeping on top of the heat with Pepsi. watching everyone stay on top with Pepsi!
Time to make a link with www.bevreview.com

Pepsi River

Pepsi River flowing bank to bank! The tops flying from the bottles from rank to rank! Consumers gone mezmerrizzic; brink to brink! Another jingle ringing; laugh and sing it: Overcome the heat/The wave waxing so strong/Drink more discreet/You never go wrong/Pepsicola so sweet/Just swinging me along! Cola-Coleah! Hear them lafforizzic!

"Wizzy!" "Frizzy!" "Sizzy!" Pepsi shouting at Lizzy! "Mizzy!" "Pizzy!" "Kizzy!" Pepsi rocking out Dizzy! Round the world, me team with Pepsi! This good Cola, we drink it daily! All the flavor, Pepsi gone epidemic, endemic, pandemic! scoring with high merits! Consumers take it around merrily! See Mystic Vibrations blow out another new sound. This, they call it PepsiExplosion! Jump around, Pepsi contagious! sing:
One-Pop A Pepsi, eh-eh!
When we say "Pop!" Popout  Pepsi!

One pop a pepsi
Any pop a pepsi
Big Pop a pepsi
When we say "Pop!" Popout Pepsi
Pesaaah! Sahaaah! Ayaaaeh!
What a thrilling Pepsi Explosion
Continue with Mystik Vibrations @ http://www.samhillbands.com/bands/mystic_vibrations/index.shtml and http://www.mystikmuzik.com

In the climax of the spree, Bizzy, happy and jolly, shout out, "Pepsicola on the go!"

Replying in the fun, Kizzy cried, "It's the PopofPops cooling down any hot top!"

"Here comes the Pop again!" stated Lizzy as the countdown began with the Pop dancing off the shelves in retail and wholesale. And, the massive eyes behold the only Pop matching up with the reigning KingofPops.

Highlighting the Big Seller in a lucrative promotion, the flavors smooth, refreshing and pleasant makes it just impossible to ask for anything different from PEP SEE! PEP-SI, the One Pop Pep-Seeee! siiting in hands out numbering the stars. Not hundreds, not thousands, but millions of hands.

Behold, the Pop! PepsiCo's revered like a king on his throne ruling the world as the promotion surfs around, escalating sales, the heat reducer hit the charts. The storm - the charm - the cola fans outclass. Crushing the rock, we say: "Pepsi is the chat!" The Tropical, the Lime, the 100 and the lot! Ruling the world, got to stay on top with the Big Pop! "Pepseeeeei!"

As Pepsi Promo is winding off, everyone is invited to sing along at this concluding point.

Up, away and sing:

Round the world PepsiCola Round the world PepsiCola Round the world PepsiCola Consumers drink!
Bottle to bottle without a stop Bottle to bottle without a stop Bottle to bottle without a stop Are drinking great!
Round the world PepsiCola Round the world PepsiCola Round the world PepsiCola Consumers drink!

Yeeeaaahhh! Pep seeei! 

Click Summer Popout below for extra Pepsi feed.

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