Tuesday, September 29, 2009


The birthday begins from a new phase of life when little babes see the ray of a new light; as. they travel in the company of new folks all waiting eagerly to see the entry of these little ones who end the gestation burden on the wombs of mothers who carry them with love. It marks the history of a new date, set with time to record an age and give each child an annual birth date to cheer their spirits and celebrate with others in a festive gait. A pleasant way to see babes grow from stage to stage until they know in all the rage from birth to grave, they were around in a world with other braves. As life begins a child will sing – each year’s a mile in life will spin while breath is here and strong with wind; content and love from origin can strengthen growth and replenish the earth with all these babes who come alert, up and about. This one to remember was blessed in September, she came to fill the heart of a father who thanked a mother for being the bearer of a seed they’ll both become the rearer, the trainer, and the grower. And long she be around you see this twenty-ninth day she laughs with glee. A blessing ‘tis to add a year to life each year you celebrate and thank Theos who lead you well along the way to start another journey through another year. So Mom, while you celebrate this golden day, you deserve to be tributized in more countless ways, but as I open it publicly, this is you to me - all others who come around you will agree -
Legacy of Love

(A Birthday Tribute to Mom)

A legacy of love stands in your heart
Is dispersed to Alpha, down to Omega
Each of us received one-eleventh part
To dress our lives with pleasant aroma;
We carry on our life long cycle.
When sorrows arose like haunted forces
Legacy of love made comfort recycle;
Silver and gold, no better resources
This power creates perennial spirits of joy;
As our legacy supplies our basic needs
Through grace and mercies Theos employ
To furnish more blessings upon your seeds
While you distribute from your lovely heart
A legacy, to your grans, I impart.

Thank you, mother, for this beautiful art
With love you taught me the meaning of joy!


Jonis bucknor

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